Болезни 21 века

Мир несовершенен, так-же как и несовершенны люди живущие в нем. В этой подборке фотографий хотим представить вам людей, которые заразились венерическими заболеваниями, той или иной степени тяжести.

Не забывайте о том, что наше здоровье в наших руках!

Жизнь скучна и не интересна когда в ней нет изюминки. Тренинг, наполни свою жизнь красками!

3 коммент.:

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Охуеть не встать....X(

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A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism. It is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs ...

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A technologies that has been used in clinics for numerous years.
The Flex Belt by Slendertone has turn into a popular device utilised to assist tone the stomach muscle tissues and sculpt them into a
well-defined shape by electrical stimulation that causes the muscle tissues to contract and relax in the exact same manner
as normal exercise. ten ab training applications and 150 intensity
levels are there in a abdominal Belt. A beginner demands to
commence from the scratch and then gradually moves up by way of the levels.
I would recomend starting any where about 10 even
if you feel you have strong abs just to get use to
the sensation. You are basiclly shocking your physique and cause it
to contract It does take some getting use to, but
after you have utilized the belt once you will find it alot more
effortless and comfy to have on.

Here is my website; webs.com

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